Event Promo Video: communicate about your event
An event is, by definition, a short-lived key moment. So your related communication plan must bring it to life before, during and after it takes place in order to achieve the best possible ROI. And it is now possible with a web video editor:!
An event is, by definition, a short-lived key moment, with memorable clips, images, and a testimonial video. So your related communication plan (photos, multiple videos, testimonial event video production, trailer, text, animation trends, template, logo,…) to attendees must bring it to life before, during and after it takes place in order to achieve the best possible ROI.
A corporate event (real or virtual event) is short and temporary. Your communication device, especially thanks to the event promo video, must make it live before, during and after to reach the best ROI, to get as many views and registers as possible. Here are some tips from us to beat your competitors with awesome event videos and attract each viewer.
What is your objective, as marketers, through event marketing stunning videos, testimonial video or other ads or clips?
The internal event serves the performance of your company. The event aims at creating links between employees, a team spirit, the transmission of the company culture and a common vision… Above all, these internal events must develop a feeling of belonging to the company and are an opportunity to thank your teams for their involvement, with a hopeful message, and a good community engagement on linkedin and youtube.
External events, in the age of social networks, are aimed at customers, prospects, speakers, business partners, journalists and influencers… almost everyone in your linkedin network in fact! The objective is to make yourself known, to develop your network, make promo, get as much attendance as possible, to exchange with your partners and to convey a good reputation.
Both internal and external events can take the form or virtual event, depending on the context.
Different types of corporate events
The B to B event is available in different formats, of which we have listed the main ones below. For each of them, you can use video before (teaser) and after (retrospective).
Different types of corporate events for attendees
The B to B event is available in different formats, of which we have listed the main ones below. For each of them, you can use video before (teaser) and after (retrospective).
The conference
A gathering around a central theme for a targeted professional audience. This conference can be part of a trade show or be organized by you or a press agency to highlight a particular news.
Worked in an optics of notoriety, this conference leads you to communicate as an expert on your market or on a problematic related to your sector of activity to confer you an image of prescriber and influencer.
For example: you are an IT player and decide to create an event on the impact of artificial intelligence on your business. An excellent way to establish your credibility as an innovative expert in your field, with eye-catching transitions.
The corporate breakfast/ afterwork
This is an event that brings together all of a company’s customers around a given theme to build loyalty and keep them up to date on the latest product innovations. This event can also be duplicated as a press breakfast or a partner breakfast. It can also be transformed into an afterwork or even a party!
For example: you release a strong feature on your product, you change positioning, brand… Nothing better than this type of event to create a link with your customers.
The trade show
An event that does not depend on your organization but that allows you to quickly identify the type of public that will come to the event. Thus, depending on your strategy, you have decided to participate in several trade shows. Very often, your motivations are focused on commercial and notoriety issues. You can also go to a fair to communicate on your employer brand and reach new talent pools. Your participation in trade fairs is therefore correlated with a business objective or an awareness objective, or both.
The roadshow
A series of events that consist of sales presentations in several locations to reach local audiences and generally end with a major event. This device is mainly used in B to C devices but it can also be used for large strategic announcements.
For example: your company buys or merges with another entity. This event, far from being trivial, may raise concerns. Nothing prevents you from going through all your sites with a well-chosen communication to reassure your employees. And end with a grand mass to celebrate this external growth.
Seminars and team-building activities
A time to set a course and reflect together on new directions, to take stock of the year and to strengthen communication between teams.
On-site events or virtual events
An evangelistic format to convince key accounts.
For example: at your request, one of your clients agrees to invite you to speak about your preferred field. The goal is simple: to educate new prospects (without rushing them) to your solution by taking advantage of the invitation of ambassador customers.
Communicating on your event (or virtual events): the rules to follow
How to improve the life expectancy of your event? Just like a concert or a soccer game, the experience with a brand must continue and link two events. Event communication, of which your videos are a part, thus meets the following goals:
- To make people want to come,
- To make the event memorable and create a link between participants and teams,
- To make people want to know more about your company,
- To make people want to come back to future events or to other events that you organize.
The best practices to follow in terms of event communication
Distinguish between future participants/prospects and those who already come to your events
With the help of a blog or a dedicated website, you can provide your prospects and participants with valuable content to unite around your event. Take the precaution of distinguishing in your e-mailing containing the video(s), those who do not know your event from those who have already attended.
In other words, you can for example adopt a prospect/customer communication and segment your database and your mailings accordingly in terms of invitations and content types. And don’t neglect your call-to-actions in the video.
For example: you can send a retrospective type of communication for both audiences. For those who didn’t attend, this creates a teasing effect for the next event. The difference between the two audiences will be in the wording and the addition of thanks for the communication to participants. For your participants, it allows to play on the event and to give the desire to plan for the next one.
“Tease before the event and multiply the echo via the various distribution channels
Don’t skimp on your emailing campaigns. Share your strategy with your sales fleet so that they mention your company’s participation in such and such an event in the signature of their emails.
The idea is also to multiply the echo of your participation via the RS (social networks), your blog or the “news” part of your website. Video interviews of speakers will also allow you to surf on their network to extend the reach of your messages.
Make the event’s communication codes your own and think about its display system
In a jungle of booths, the display plays a significant role. In your scenography, don’t neglect your displays and the display transmitted on screen which attract the attention and make the visitors stay!
During the event, track the hashtags that are specific to it to increase your visibility tenfold in the discussions around the event and post on your networks in real time. Finally, find out about the key themes and competitions launched on social media. This will allow you to participate and benefit from their echo during the event.
Thank, revive and tease for your next event
The timing of the post-event communication is essential. In video, you need to revisit your presence on social media and on your blog. Think about the virality of your content: communicate on what you enjoyed, what you learned, on the personalities and the highlights through infographics.
This content allows you to reach new audiences. Beat the drum while it’s hot and don’t hesitate to send your communication ideally the day after the event.
Also think about establishing a new publication calendar thanks to the new meetings you have had (expert opinions on your market, customer testimonials, interviews with personalities present, sponsors…). They will allow you to bridge the gap between the two events and to prime the pump to make your retrospectives your future teasers.
Want to make your own corporate videos for good advertisement for your upcoming events? Use our platform with affordable rates to start several videos, with your own template, images, infographics and text. Make the best version of yourself for your target audience, show the benefits of your product/service, make an attractive video promotion, so your clients will be excited! Check our offers to create and edit your videos! Ask a demo from Pitchy