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BlogCommunicationWhat Video Formats to Use in Your Business' Digital Projects

What Video Formats to Use in Your Business' Digital Projects

What Video Formats to Use in Your Business' Digital Projects

In this article, we propose different video communication strategies that can replace those of traditional communication media (PowerPoint / computer graphics / printed testimonials, etc.) in addition to strengthening in-person and event communication strategies.

Employee engagement

This type of communication explains the reason for change is aimed at combating scepticism. It also aims to instil a sense of urgency and fight inertia. Finally, it’s also aimed at conveying a strategic vision and the course to be taken. Now’s the time to play the “bullshit detector” game! You can use the following formats:

  • Interview with an important in-house leader or sponsor who announces the change and contextualises it from a strategic point of view;
  • Teaser video highlighting the issues to be addressed by the solution;
  • Video of a use case that presents the new digital project.

Explanation of the project phases

Here, the aim is to explain the “how” to reduce resistance.

– The “how” is explained in the form of explanatory videos on the project phases and the use of the new solution.

– Kick-off video: this is for the end of the test phase. Once the tool is implemented, we recommend that you make a kick-off video. The same applies to any important phase of the project;

– Video presentation of a new process;

Once the tool in the hands of employees, new features will be launched regularly. Videos presenting new releases are always welcome.

Messages aimed at reassuring employees

This type of message is used to combat employee fears and resistance to change. This communication is also vital because it builds trust and reduces team anxiety. It also aims to encourage employees to act according to the established action plan. Demonstration video: this kind of video is used to show actual results in the short term. You can also use it to show benefits for the different business lines. These videos can then be shared with other sites, business units or departments;

  • Tutorial: this format explains in a few minutes a specific topic, a new process or a feature of the new solution;
  • Ambassador video: video of an employee discussing his/her user experience;
  • Video presenting a use case: the solution can be a response to a use case that concerns several sectors. A use case video can be used to highlight the benefits of the solution without limiting it to a single sector.

Messages aimed at rewarding, thanking and celebrating

This communication shows the progress made since the beginning of the project and sends important messages of recognition from the line management. This communication can be used to establish new practices as part of the company culture:

  • Celebration video to show the first results;
  • Interview with a manager/team providing positive feedback;
  • Video thanking employees for their involvement in the project.

The entire video strategy may look like the one set up for your customers. Don’t worry, this is perfectly normal. You are inadvertently applying the theory of the symmetry of attention. This theory is used to enhance the employee experience like that of the customer experience to improve business performance.






Alexandre Leclere
Chief Marketing Officer
Creation date 03/04/2019


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