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BlogPressMaddyness: “Pitchy raises €4 million to support companies in the creation of their videos”

Maddyness: “Pitchy raises €4 million to support companies in the creation of their videos”

Maddyness: “Pitchy raises €4 million to support companies in the creation of their videos”

Maddyness, the magazine for entrepreneurs, shines the spotlight on our automated video solution.

“The start-up Pitchy, a pioneer in the use of video templates, announced that it has raised €3 million from Seventure Partner and the Ambition Numérique Fund managed by Bpifrance as part of the investments for the future programme, and obtained a loan of €1 million from a banking pool.”

Read it here!

Alexandre Leclere
Chief Marketing Officer
Creation date 01/10/2018


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