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4 Reasons To Make A Youtube Outro Video

4 Reasons To Make A Youtube Outro Video

Remember that you need a YouTube outro to drive your audience to action at the end of the video.

Do you plan to start your YouTube channel? Then, you must be aware of the normal structure of a YouTube video including an intro, the main content, and an outro. If you minimize the importance of the outro, then you are wrong.

Indeed, an effective YouTube outro can help you reach your marketing and sales goals. If you want to advertise your products and services, YouTube has become the place where you must be. For instance, the engagement of YouTube viewers is greater than other platforms. 70% of YouTube users engage more with the creator and their videos. And the outro greatly participates in this phenomenon.

Thus, if you want more subscribers and more views, you must take care of the outro. And there are so many other reasons to include an outro in your videos. However, if you are a beginner, don’t worry! With the right YouTube outro maker, you will have all the tools you need to create a successful outro.

All you need is to know your “why” to create the most effective YouTube outro according to your goals. This article describes all the reasons why you need an outro to reach your objectives.

What is an outro?

The YouTube outro is the last part of your video after the main content is presented. It is as important as the intro because it’s the ideal spot for a CTA. Indeed, thanks to the outro, you will have a last chance to engage your audience and drive action towards the growth of your YouTube channel.

There are four types of content that you can use in your YouTube end screens.

These are mainly links to:

· A different video or a playlist of videos of your YouTube channel
· Subscribe to your YouTube channel or a different YouTube channel
· Follow your social media platforms
· Your website outside of YouTube – it must be an approved website though the YouTube partner program

Why should you include an outro in your YouTube videos?

There are many reasons why you must include a YouTube outro in your videos, depending on your marketing and sales goals. However, an outro shouldn’t be necessarily complicated. Indeed, including animated outros with an animated logo is fun. But if you are a beginner, your next video thumbnail and some music are enough to create an effective outro in your YouTube outro maker.

Reason #1: Increase your audience

Do you want more subscribers on your channel? Do you want to attract more traffic to your website? Then, the outro is the right place to boost those two goals, provided you include the right CTA buttons. For instance, you can include related videos to increase your viewers’ engagement to your channel. Also, you may include a button encouraging your audience to visit your website for more information.

Example of outro: Alex Becker’s YouTube channel

alex becker youtube outro maker

Alex Becker’s outros are very original. His end screens start very abruptly, with very loud music to catch his viewers’ attention. Then, he displays a random background video that looks good but does not move around. This avoids visual overload. Then, he adds a few recommended videos related to the current video. This outro is both very effective and simple in execution. This may explain why his YouTube channel is wildly successful.

Reason #2: Redirect your viewers to your social media platforms

People who have seen your video will join your community to follow your news more closely. That’s why you must include a link to your social media platforms in your outro. This will enable you to boost your notoriety online.
Depending on your target audience, you may decide on the social media platforms you want to emphasize. For instance, if you have a B2B audience, you will focus on LinkedIn more, at the expense of other social networks. However, if your viewers are young and on the B2C side, then you should prioritize Instagram and TikTok.

Example of outro: Graham Stephan’s YouTube channel

youtube outro maker graham stephen

This financial YouTube channel is incredibly successful, and the outros are one of his key factors of success. He starts off by thanking his audience for taking the time to watch the video. Then, her urges you to click the like button.
Afterwards, he encourages you to subscribe to his channel if you want more content on real estate, investing, credit cards, and more other financial topics. Eventually, he ends with a clear CTA of checking out his social media platforms (Instagram and Snapchat).

His outros are simple, straightforward, with simple graphics and text. Everybody can get inspiration from this, provided you have the right YouTube outro maker!

Reason #3: Promote specific projects

A good YouTube outro can help you redirect your audience to specific projects and products you promote, such as:

· The registration to specific events, congresses, or festivals
· The visit of a page dedicated to a specific product on your website
· The view of a tutorial video about a specific topic

Reason #4: Encourage your viewers to buy your products

With a good YouTube outro, you can redirect your viewers to a product demo. You can also include a button redirecting to an appointment request form with the sales team. This is very important because many people would rather watch a video about a product before buying it. Indeed, according to a survey carried out by Tubular Insights, 64% of consumers buy a product after watching a video spot about it on social media.

2 main tips to create the YouTube outros of your dreams

Despite being rather short, creating effective outros requires some finesse. Here are some useful tips to create effective YouTube outros.

Tip #1: Don’t overload your outros

First, you shouldn’t overload your video outro with useless words. Indeed, YouTube viewers skim through video content, meaning that you have a few seconds to attract their attention. Consequently, you must train yourself by recording just one sentence that will sum up what action you expect from your audience.

Tip #2: Be consistent with your brand identity in your YouTube outros

Also, it’s very important to keep consistency across all your YouTube videos to affirm your brand identity in your outro. This means that all your video outros must have your distinctive graphic charter, such as your logo, your text fonts, your icons, specific animations, and the colors of your company. You can include them in the outro templates already available in your YouTube outro maker.
You may even add a distinctive jingle to help your viewers to recognize you immediately. If you lack musical talent, you can take music free of credits to create your jingle. Some YouTube video makers such as Pitchy include libraries of royalty-free music.

Ready to create your first YouTube outro? Contact Pitchy

Do you want to create effective and unforgettable outros for your YouTube videos? Then, Pitchy is the tool you need to help you reach your goals. Our YouTube outro maker offers multiple outro templates and features to help you design the outros that will help your YouTube channel to grow quickly. If you’re interested, feel free to ask for a demo.

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 06/09/2023


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