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How to Use a Video Editor to Create More Videos in Less Time

How to Use a Video Editor to Create More Videos in Less Time

Use an in-house video editor to keep control of your video creation, and give your teams a chance to develop their skills! Find out what a video editor can do for you!

Days are gone when video editors were exclusively used by young passionate videographers at home for their personal use.

Indeed, they are increasingly popular with companies, especially for those who have included video marketing in their sales and promotional strategies. Therefore, video editors enable them to control their narrative and their video creation, rather than calling an external agency.

However, depending on their editorial calendar, companies may have multiple videos to publish and edit. In this case, a video editor allows companies to save time and resources by industrialising the video creation process.

Whether you record video clips or other types of videos, a dedicated software will help you be more efficient in creating the videos of your dreams. This article shows you how to do it. And you can discover more articles on our blog.

What do you do with a video editor?

If you’re a beginner in video creation, chances are that you are overwhelmed with the attractive, high-quality audio and visual effects of many YouTube videos. And you may think that these videos were created by highly qualified professionals. But let us reveal to you a secret: you are wrong!

Rather, they all use a video editor to achieve such beautiful results. Indeed, this software enables you to unleash your creativity, while giving you the ability to deliver your message to your audience on your own terms. A video editor can help you make your video more attractive with several tools, such as:

· Templates
· Transitions
· Sound effects
· Voiceovers
· Subtitles
· Video filters
· Music,…

What are the advantages of a video editor for your video creation process?

Do you need to create multiple videos in a hurry? Then, a video editor is the right tool to help you achieve your goal. Here are some advantages of using a video editor to create more videos in record time.


With a video editor, you will have the ability to make economies of scale by producing multiple videos with a simple licence. If you want to produce simple videos in huge quantities, then a video editor is your best ally.

Ease of use

Many editors already contain ready-to-use templates that help you to oversee your video production quickly. Moreover, you may add your own film footage to achieve the results you envision for your videos. Thus, owning a video editor is an essential tool to have in your array.


With an online video editor, you will have the ability to produce several types of videos in a short time span, depending on your digital strategy:


Video clips·

Onboarding videos

Promo videos…

Emphasis of your graphic identity

A video editor enables you to highlight your graphic identity in all your videos to save time. As your target audience will recognise you immediately, there will be a balance between motion design and filmed footage.

Collaborating projects

A video editor enables you to share your projects with your creative teams. Thus, your colleagues may have a hand in making changes and updating your common projects. Therefore, a video editor will help you save time by including your teams, especially if you need to produce and publish several videos quickly.

What are the features you need in a video editor to accelerate your video production?

If you want to produce more videos in less time, and make a good video montage, you must pay attention to the features offered by your editing software. Then, capitalise on them to get the best results during your editing process. Here is a list of features you will need in your video editor.

Video capture

You must be able to capture and edit all your rush videos filmed with your smartphone or webcam. Moreover, you can transfer them to the platform to finish video editing.


A good video editor offers you pre-defined and adaptable scenarios to guide you in your storyboarding process.

Pre-designed templates

You may select the template that suits you among the pre-designed templates offered by the editor. Also, you may also choose the different styles, models, and scenarios to organise, edit, and script your sequence.

Motion design

Thanks to this feature, you may bring life and dynamism to your message, content, background and titles.


Voice recording should not be a problem. You need to be able to record your voice, or use the tool, to create a voice-over or comment on your video. With the text-to-speech function, you type the text directly, which will then be transcribed via a voice-over.

Video styling

You can style your videos with keywords, title banners, subtitles, and pictograms.
Personalisation of your graphic chart
A good video editor must allow you to personalise your graphic charter for a unique finish. For instance, you may use colour correction to reflect your company’s identity more precisely.

Unlimited editing

You should be able to crop, resize, flip, and edit the sequences. Once you have imported your rushes, the online video editing tool should allow you to access the timeline and cut out any scenes that you want to delete, or move them around. In short, you need to be able to make the changes you want on the timeline.

Media library

You can contextualise your videos with lots of visuals, pictograms, stickers and videos available in the tool.

Royalty-free music

A large spectrum of royalty-free music can help you give life to your videos in a contextual way.


You can easily integrate a call-to-action to stimulate audience interaction with your video. Moreover, you may even evaluate it.

Collaborative interface

If you need to validate your video with your team or your hierarchy, you may have a validation process integrated in your editing tool. Thus, you will streamline communication around your video.

Watermark logo

You may include the logo of your company and use the suggested animations to give it life.

Mass rendering

If you have a long list of recipients, your video editor must allow you to create personalised videos to a large scale.

High quality editing

All your videos must be generated in full HD quality for a professional finish and optimal sharing with all your distribution channels (e.g. your website, your social media platforms, your YouTube channel…).


Your video editor must offer excellent security for your space, as well as the respect of confidentiality and the protection given to your data. Don’t hesitate to check if your tool is GDPR-compliant.

Sharing and distribution

Are your videos finished? Then, export them and share them directly from your chosen platform.

Ongoing support

An ongoing support from experts is necessary to help you manage and develop your projects throughout the collaboration. This is especially important if you are a beginner in video editing.

So you need to choose the right video editing software!

Ready to use our video editor? Contact us

With Pitchy, video editing has never been so easy! You will be able to make videos for your website, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok), HR strategy, communication (internal and external)… If you are ready to get the best video editor to streamline your video creation process, then Pitchy is the software you need. With our tool, we offer you all the necessary features to help you create multiple videos efficiently. If you are interested in our video editor, feel free to ask for a demo.

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 14/12/2023


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