Carrefour testifies
Carrefour has produced over 700 videos to create attractive and impactful internal training, since 5 years

Missions : to offer customers quality products, services, and accessible food through all distribution channels.
Cas d'usages de Carrefour sur Pitchy
Videos for training, including teasers and various video content integrated into e-learning courses
Carrefour wanted to produce more playful and dynamic content for its training programs
The large group, with hundreds of employees worldwide, regularly offers training programs. The goal is to have maximum enrollment and results in terms of skills to assess knowledge assimilation. However, Carrefour still used PowerPoint and other more traditional materials at that time.
They needed to market the training offer to make it more attractive. The aim was to generate interest in enrollment and provide relevant content once the training was completed. Carrefour naturally chose video for its training.
Taking control of video creation became a necessity. They needed to be faster and more flexible to easily adjust their training, and create variations based on the communication channel and target audience. All these adjustments would have been impossible with an external provider. They needed an internal tool to create videos quickly and effectively.
The video format was praised by learners
This type of content was much more playful and dynamic for communicating on training topics. It can be broadcast on screens and internal and external social networks. Carrefour was a winner on both sides: the teams creating the videos and the learners benefiting from them.
"With video, we deliver the right messages in a trendy format that suits the younger generations."
The Pitchy tool met this need for speed and for a variety of formats to be produced
The employees had to create teasers, videos that sell the training, sequences within e-learning courses to add different modalities, tip videos... This helps improve the skills of the teams.
"Pitchy allowed us to easily create our own teasers quickly, flexibly, and at a much more interesting cost compared to an external provider. It's an easy-to-use tool for people who have never done video editing."
- Training