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Danone testifies

The Danone Employee Relations team has produced over 300 videos for internal training and information purposes in 2 years

Danone video client testimonial

Use cases

training (tutorials, capsule videos), internal communications (teasers, event retrospectives, project presentations, new processes, interviews), external communication (snack content on social media, Brut and Konbini interviews, product launches/presentations).

A need to communicate corporate  topics quickly and efficiently

Sylvie Denfert had already heard of Pitchy during a demo in 2020. The Pitchy solution was approved by the Purchasing department (which was the first to promote the tool at Danone), a few months later in March 2021.

As the Employee Relations team realised that there were a large number of general topics about which everyone needed to be informed at the same time and quickly, the idea was born to go further with Pitchy. 

That's when the idea of internalising video came up. 

We needed a tool that would enable us to create fairly professional content, without the need to call on a traditional communications agency (more expensive, more rigid in terms of retroplanning).
Sylvie Denfert

Video has made it possible to communicate on a wide range of subjects, from training to internal communications

To train employees, the Employee Relations team was able to create tutorials and capsule videos on a specific subject.

Video has also been used to communicate internal events via teasers and retrospectives, and to introduce new recruits and train teams on new processes.

Furthermore, Danone teams have also been able to communicate externally using video: snack content on social media, interviews like Brut or Konbini, and product launches/presentations.

Pitchy was praised for being user-friendly and numerous features

Pitchy is a platform that's easy to understand for beginners. And the more you use it, the more you get the hang of it: after a while, you really start enjoying creating your videos.

The video editor lets you create unlimited videos with a wide choice of video templates and royalty-free media (videos, images, music).

The auto subtitle generator was also appreciated by the teams, when dealing with hearing-impaired or international audiences, or simply those who watch videos without sound on social media.

Pitchy enables the Danone teams to collaborate on video projects:  meaning they were able to share a project with other members of the same team, enabling everyone to make their own changes.
Last but not least, customer support is always there to assist the teams and can be called on for all kinds of assistance: optimising a video or even creating a video project for them.

Testimony of:
Client Testimonial Danone
Sylvie Denfert
Global OD and Employee Relations Assistant - DRH Group
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Company size:
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Client since:
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Number of videos created:
Use case:
  • Internal communications
  • Training