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BlogMarketingElements To Put In Your Video With Youtube Outro Maker

Elements To Put In Your Video With Youtube Outro Maker

Elements To Put In Your Video With Youtube Outro Maker

Although it only comes at the end of your video, your outro is extremely important. Think about refining it with an outro maker for a youtube outro.

It’s no secret that every video has a beginning, an intro, and an end, called an outro. These two parts are extremely important, as they contain several pieces of information: your brand identity, your slogan, your graphic charter, and above all the main information of the video. Many companies focus on the intro and neglect the outro, but both should be given importance.
And today, there are video creation platforms for companies. This online video editor can be used as an outro maker. So you don’t need any technical skills, and you can internalise your video creation, rather than using an agency.

To give you a concrete example, here is a video made with the Pitchy tool: it is a teaser for an event. And at the end of the video comes the outro:

With an outro maker, show your graphical chart, with animated logo

In theory, this is already included in the intro to your video. But if your audience is scrolling through their Facebook or Instagram wall on their mobile phone, it is possible that the video has started without them having had time to see the beginning, when you introduce yourself, so to speak.

Therefore, remember to reintegrate your graphic identity at the end of your video:
– your logo,
-your colours, themes and templates (which you can select on the software),
– your slogan,
your own photos,
– or any other element you deem relevant (for example, if your brand includes a character or a mascot).

With the youtube outro maker, make a redirection to your website and social networks, the goal of all marketers

outro maker redirection website

The idea is that people who have seen the video will join your community, to follow your news more closely. So include a link to your website (ideally a clickable link), and the names of your social media accounts.
Depending on your target audience, it’s up to you to decide which social networks you want to use. For example, if you are addressing companies (start-ups or large groups), you should communicate on LinkedIn. On the other hand, if your target is more B2C and young, Instagram and Tik Tok should be in your sights.

With the outro maker, add a cta: link for viewers to register for a newsletter or an event: possible with outro maker

outro maker cta

Depending on your communication: it is relevant :

– either a registration link to your newsletter, to encourage people who have seen the video to follow your news, to receive your corporate communications regularly, to get more subscribers,

-or a registration link, if it is a video announcing an event or a congress in which you are going to participate.

With outro maker, you can add hashtag related to a campaign, an event, a congress, a festival, a cause

This is important if you want to unite people around your actions. For example, if you are organising an event, create a hashtag on your social networks, and indicate it in the outro: this way, spectators are informed of the existence of this hashtag, and on the day, they will be able to see all the associated posts.

A warm message as credits, and the perfect length for a good outro and a great youtube video, thanks to youtube outro maker

It is important to end a communication with a nice note. For an event, end with “we look forward to meeting you”, or “see you soon on our stand”, or even “happy new year to you”, if it’s an end-of-year video. In short, whatever the context and purpose of the video, ending with a nice message always works.

Do you also want to use online video editing software to create your own videos, without using an agency? Discover our outro creator. Request a demo of Pitchy.

Use the video maker Pitchy to make your outro video, as a professional youtube outro maker, with a gallery of video templates (you won’t need design skills to make your first video clips). In addition, you can download the app to combine your video rushes, and then add outro templates through the platform.

On the online video editing software Pitchy, you will be able to discover many features, add text, images, music, animation, graphics and voiceover: the best video editor to create content for social media platforms. A wonderful interface to create incredible videos, with fonts, presentations, colors, animated outro, and an intro template you can choose to make engagement from your audience easy! Key features for marketing and sales! Get all the tips you need to make a great youtube video, with a great outro and also a fantastic intro! And remember: your youtube outro must show key features to boost conversions (with a demo meeting or a subscribe button), and the best intro is the one that draws attention in less than 3 seconds!

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 16/04/2023


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