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Video Tool vs. agency: Choose Video Tool!

Video Tool vs. agency: Choose Video Tool!

Did you know that companies can now use a video tool instead of calling an agency for a corporate video? We tell you more here.

During many years, video was considered as a luxury and reserved for big corporations with substantial budgets. This could also be explained as they massively fell back on agencies on their heyday.

However, video is no more an option, and has been democratized and is part of companies’ digital strategy. Indeed, according to a survey carried out by Cisco in 2021, 82% of the Internet traffic encompasses video, followed by Internet text-based consultations (11%), gaming (4%), and file sharing (3%). In this context, more and more video tools appeared on the market to help companies to benefit from this democratization of video.

Why is a video tool more beneficial for companies than an agency to create their videos? This article will give some avenues to answer this question and be able to use easily a video editor for an imovie, with reasonable pricing and the best features for your future clips. No cons, just pros! And a compatibility with all Internet servers, exept Explorer.

Only pros, non cons, and no downside 😉

Reason #1: Cost control

This is the most obvious reason to use a video tool rather than an agency. Indeed, outsourcing your video production to an agency is synonymous of significant costs for your company. Generally, you must set aside 300 to 600 euro per day to work with a relatively famous agency. The costs can even skyrocket for the most reputable agencies on the market.

On the contrary, the proper video software will help you to save money. You will be able to operate in “results” mode with your production process, rather than counting a per day/man rate. Moreover, you will save time and money because you will not go through the tedious process to select the right sourcing market offer.

Reason #2: In-house production without training for beginners for a simple video tool

With the current offers in the video software market, you can produce your own video without a proper training. Indeed, the current video tools are designed to allow anyone, including the very beginners, to use the interface without assistance or training. All you will have to do is to follow tutorials and use the formats you want to make your videos. And you will be able to import your own elements (visuals, rushes, logo, text, subtitles, motion design…).

Reason #3: Control on your video projects

With a video tool, you can control your video projects and what you want to include in them, according to your communication goals. Indeed, you will be able to choose your own formats, templates, themes, and key features to stick to your content strategy.

Also, you can control the quality of your videos by working on the audio editing, the filters, as well as the timeline editing and lightworks. In this context, a video editor offers you freedom and flexibility to express your brand’s message through your video production.

Eventually, a video tool enables you to have control on the obsolescence of your videos. Indeed, with the domination of video in the companies’ content strategy, you may be confronted to the obsolescence of your video content. This is especially true if you produce lots of snack content on your social media. Fortunately, a video tool shows you that the obsolescence of most video formats is not a fatality. Indeed, you can automate your video production and stick to your content production pace.

Reason #4: Your ability to “test & learn” your premiere pro with video tool

video tool test and learn

With a video software, you can splice, modify and update a video without pressure. You can also test new formats to innovate if you want to present a new kind of content to your audience. Nobody is immune to mistakes, and an in-house production video tool allows you to be patient with your production process. And you can do this without additional costs, contrary to an agency. Your creativity and innovative sparkles will definitely be encouraged with the use of a video tool.

Reason #5: Your focus on creating value with video editor

When you work with a video tool, you opt for an automated solution who helps you to create and distribute videos in an efficient and orderly manner. Thus, since your production process will offer you less constraints, you can focus on specifications, on value-added tasks for your company. This, you can direct all your efforts on your brand’s identity, and on the message you want to convey to your audience.

Reason #6: Planning control and sharing your imovie project with other users

With a video tool, you control your production and publication planning. Also, you can have more flexibility to create a responsive content strategy, according to your needs and the events surrounding your company. For example, if you want to publish the company’s latest news to your viewers, you will just have to produce video content as soon as it is required. Therefore, you can download more rapidly and change your publication schedule more easily than with an agency.

Examples of video formats you can use and program with the video tool Pitchy


Your customers who are satisfied with your products or services will be excellent ambassadors. If they agree to make a video testimonial, they will talk about the problem they encountered, and how your service helped them overcome it.


Interviewing your employees on video will make them want to apply to you. Indeed, future candidates will be able to put a face to the names and functions, will be able to see your premises and understand the challenges, the different jobs.


If you want to attract as many people as possible to your corporate event, and encourage them to register, make a video teaser, with images of the venue, the number of your stand, and figures from previous years (number of visitors, number of exhibitors…).


Rather than imposing complicated tables full of data on your teams, compile this data in the form of an animated infographic, as visual recall will be far more important.


Again, video memorization will be much more effective than a complicated and indigestible instruction manual.

Make a quick video tutorial, which your employees can follow whenever they want. The advantage of a video tutorial is that it fits in with everyone’s schedule.

Contact Pitchy today and test our video tool with few features


Forget about clichamp, fun veed, shotcut, openshot or kinemaster !

Using a video tool such as Pitchy offers you several features and types of formats. We allow you to create tutorials and video teasers, according to your training needs. You can also choose your favorite template, as well as text, animations, subtitles, and even royalty-free music for imovie.
Do you need more information about the creation of training videos with the video editor Pitchy? More specifications? If this is your case, don’t hesitate to ask for a demo, to see few features and other specifications.
Our platform (or interface), perfect for beginners to put their premiere elements as professionals or youtubers, offers rotate effects, shotcut, lightworks, watermark, themes, titles, voiceover, timeline editing, photos, native timeline editing, audio editing, filters and other best features (and extra features). On our software, you will have the ability to import your video rushes/footage and create most video formats.
We also have an app you can download, the new version of a mobile app that will help you to compile your video rushes for film post-production. Compatibility will all search engines, except Internet Explorer.

For more information about our interface for professionals to make videos as awesome as youtubers do, Feel free to ask for a demo.

marc burger author
Marc Burger
Content Manager

A passionate Content Manager at Pitchy, Marc excels in designing and implementing captivating strategies, combining hard-hitting writing and in-depth analysis to bring you the best information!

Creation date 17/06/2023


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